Английский язык 7 класс в формате ГИА: Модуль 1

Английский язык 7 класс в формате ГИА: Модуль 1 — ОТВЕТЫ на тренировочные упражнения. Сборник дополнительных заданий в формате ГИА, компонент УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 7 класса.

Spotlight 7. Module 1


№ 1. Read the text and choose the right options to complete the sentences.

  1. it takes Craig ___ to get ready for school in the morning.
    a) an hour and a half b) an hour  c) half an hour
  2. Craig’s father works with computers and his mother is ___.
    a) a doctor b) a librarian c) a teacher
  3. During the lunch break Craig usually ____.
    a) eats in the school canteen
    b) goes to his mother’s school
    c) eats food that he brings from home
  4. Craig loves History, especially he is interested in ____.
    a) western countries b) the history of the UK c) old civilizations
  5. Craig usually has dinner _____.
    a) when the whole family is at home
    b) whenever he likes
    c) at six sharp
  6. After dinner Craig ____.
    a) reads and watches TV
    b) does some house chores
    c) helps his father with the computer
  7. Being a Scout means ______.
    a) climbing mountains b) going in for sport c) going camping
  8. While camping Craig learns to ____.
    a) play on the computer b) snowboard c) set tents and make fires


№ 2. Match the titles to the summaries of the films. One title is extra.

ОТВЕТЫ: 1. D;   2. – ;   3. B;   4. A;   5 C.


№ 3. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

  1. Tom and Edward are twins. ____ F
  2. Tom is naughty and Edward is a very good boy. ____ NS
  3. When the boys swap clothes people take Tom for the prince. ___ T
  4. When Edward finds himself at Tom’s home he is shocked. ____ NS
  5. Tom’s family is sure the boy is mad. ____ T
  6. Tom is eager to keep the throne and become the king. ____ F
  7. Edward can’t prove he is the real prince. ____ F
  8. Now Edward knows what life of poor people is like and promises to be a good king. ____ T


№ 4. Read the text and choose the right options to complete the senences.

  1. If you feel the smoke ____.
    a) stay in your room until the fire brigade comes
    b) put on what is handy and quickly leave the room
    c) get fully dressed before getting out
  2. If the closed door to your room is hot ____.
    a) open it to cool the door
    b) wrap yourself in the blanket to get out
    c) find another way out
  3. If the door is cool and there is only smoke ____.
    a) go slowly out
    b) stay in your room
    c) keep to floor and get out crawling
  4. To protect yourself from smoke inhalation you must ____.
    a) wash your face
    b) put wet material on your nose and mouth
    c) drink a lot of water.
  5. If somebody is still inside the house ____.
    a) run back to help
    b) call them loudly to check
    c) inform the fire brigade
  6. When you get out you must ____.
    a) stay at a good distance from the house
    b) take pictures of the house
    c) try to save your belongings


№ 5. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

  1. The lady’s dream was to write novels in the countryside. _____ F
  2. They loved their new house because it was modern and close to Nature. ______ T
  3. Their beach style house was too far from London. ______ F
  4. The wife and the husband enjoyed their country life. _____ T
  5. They often went to London to see their children and friends. _____ NS
  6. It took the wife three years to realize how much she missed London life. ______ T
  7. It was impossible to move back to the city. _____ F
  8. Jim and his wife were very happy to return to London. ___ T
  9. They remember their country adventure with pleasure. ____ T
  10. They often go to Suffolk to see their new friends. ____ NS


№ 6. Match the titles to the descriptions of the landmarks of England. One title is extra.

ОТВЕТЫ: A. 3;   B. 4;   C. 1;   D. – ;   E. 2.



№ 7. Read the text and choose the right options.

These days, the difference isn’t so great (1) b) between city and country life in America, but it still (2) a) exists. We recently moved from Brooklyn to a sweet pastoral home. I kept telling (3) c) myself, “If it doesn’t work out, we still have a great (4) c) place to live.» It worked out and we have our own farm now. We have two young children, and will miss the (5) b) convenience of walking to school and running (6) c) into classmates on a daily basis. We will miss having the world at our fingertips and the endless possibilities (7) a) around the corner: theatres, cinemas. Since moving to the country, our girls have seen rabbits and a spider web the size of (8) b) their. Old bedroom. This morning, the ducks were defending their pond from a pair of intruding (9) c) geese. Our children will have a completely (10) b) different upbringing.


№ 8. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalised words.

Once upon a time, there (1) __were___ two (2) __mice__ – cousins. One lived in the town and the other in the country. The town mouse thought that (3) __living__ in the town was (4) __better__ than living in the country. So one day, he invited (5) __his___ country cousin to stay with him. They (6) __sat___ down to a meal, which to the country mouse was a feast. (7) __suddenly__, there was a loud noise at the door. “(8) __don’t worry__ said the town mouse, “that’s just my neighbour, the dog, he wants to join us for dinner.” The country mouse (9) __ate__ a little (10) __faster__. Another noise was heard outside, even (11) __louder__ this time. “Oh dear” said the town mouse, “the cat wants to join us too.” (12) __quickly__ eating the last of his meal, the country mouse said, “Thank you, but I think I will return to the peace and quiet of my own house after all!” Then he (13) __ran__ back home as fast as his legs could carry him.


№ 9. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalized words.

People live by (1) __different__ rules, (2) __beliefs__ and attitudes. To some people “(3) __happiness__” means power over others. For these people to be “(4) __successful__” means to be (5) __wealthy__. However, these people often live (6) __unhappy__ lives; they seek (7) __happiness__ through wealth and material (8) __possessions__ rather than relationships. Ordinary people are not (9) __famous__ or well off. They have full-time jobs and they like to go out with their families at weekends. Who knows, they could be the happiest people in our society.


№ 10. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalized words.

The Sun and the Wind once had a quarrel as to which was the (1) __strongest__. Each believed (2) __himself__ to be the (3) __most powerful___. While they (4) __were arguing___ they (5) __saw__ a traveller (6) __walking__ along the country highway, wearing a big cloak. “Here is a chance to test our strength,” (7) __said__ the Wind; “Let us see which of us is strong enough to make that traveller take off his cloak.” “Agreed,” answered the Sun. The Wind (8) __began___ to blow and raised a storm of hail and rain. But the (9) __colder__ it grew and the more it  stormed, the tighter the traveller held his cloak around him. Now it (10) __was___ the Sun’s turn. He shone with all his beams on the man’s shoulders. As it (11) __became__ (12) __hotter__ and (13) __hotter__, the man unfastened his cloak; then he (14) __took__ it off! The Sun (15) __won__.


№ 11. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalized words.

Several small towns have played a huge role in my life. One of them is Munglinup, the place where my mother grew up. It’s a typical (1) __American__ town. When my mum was a kid, it was a (2) __bustling__ town; it had a (3) __wonderful__ town hall, a (4) __crowded__, pub lots of (5) __beautiful__ houses and a (6) __cheerful__ school. Now, less than thirty years later, the only services that remain are the school and roadhouse.
But there are few (7) __children__to go to school. Half of the houses in mum’s (8) __neighbourhood__are empty. (9) __travellers__only stop for fuel. It can turn into a ghost town.


№ 12. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalized words.

Once upon a time there (1) __were__ three little pigs and the time (2) __came__ for them to leave home and seek their fortunes. Before they (3) __left__, their mother (4) __told__ them “Whatever you do, do it the (5) __best__ way because that’s the way to get along in the world.” The first little pig (6) __built__ his house out of straw because it was the (7) __easiest__ thing to do. The second little pig (8) __built__ his house out of sticks. This was a little bit (9) __stronger__ than a straw house. The third little pig (10) __built__ his house out of bricks.
One night the big bad wolf, who (11) __dearly__ loved to eat fat little piggies, came along and (12) __saw__ the first little pig in his house of straw. But of course the wolf blew the house and (13) __ate__ the first little pig. The same thing happened to the second pig. But he could not blow down the brick house. The little pig (14) __saw__ the wolf climb up on the roof and (15) __made__ a fire in the fireplace and placed on it a large kettle of water. When the wolf (16) __finally__ (17) __found__ the hole in the chimney, he (18) __got__ right into that kettle of water. And the pig just lived (19) __happily__ ever after!



№ 13. You’ve got an e-mail from your English pen friend. Write him/her about your town/village and your daily routine. Would you like to live in the country or in a big city? Why? Write 50 — 60 words.

№ 14. You’ve got a letter from your friend. Write her/him a letter and answer her/his four questions. Write 50 — 60 words.

It’s Saturday. What are your plans for the weekend? What is the weather like? What activities can you do? Are you going to help your mother about the house?

Вы смотрели: Английский язык 7 класс в формате ГИА: Модуль 1 — ОТВЕТЫ на тренировочные упражнения. Сборник дополнительных заданий в формате ГИА, компонент УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 7 класса.

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